WARNING: do NOT use this cooking recipes in real life.. it's just a parody.. taking it seriously can lead to harming your health..

Even a bag of trash can be turned into a classy dinner for two..



A cozy late night BBQ on an open fire..

  1. Find a trashcan that contains flammable material. don't worry about the smell, it will burn out when it's light on fire.
  2. Find a nice location to setup a BBQ. Somewhere safe, with a nice view. Place the trashcan so it stands stable and light it on fire.
  3. While waiting for the fire to settle, you can use the time to prepare your favorite wasteland ingredients; any eatable vegetable or meats will do.
  4. When the fire settles inside the trashcan, place your ingredients on top of the ember. Turn them every half a minute, until they catch that BBQ color; it's now ready to be served and enjoyed.

- bon appetit